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Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life

​Hey there all you cool cats and kittens. Unless you’ve been living under a rock during isolation you may have heard of and seen a little Netflix show called Tiger King. It’s a wild ride of characters we didn’t even know existed in real life and we’re delighted to see the craft world paying tribute. Here are the best crafty responses to the binge-worthy programme that you didn’t even know you needed until now…

Joe Exotic doll

​This crochet doll. Designed by the fabulous Alison Hoffman, the flamboyant Tiger King is re-created in all his glory. You can buy this pattern here and make sure you check out Alison’s other crocheted creations on her Instagram @craftyiscool

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Crafty Is Cool
On the wall

​This awesome wall hanging, complete with trademark handlebar moustache and “barely there” eyebrow ring. From @discoslothdesigns

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Disco Sloth Designs
Mullet - on point

​This amigurumi tribute to Joe Exotic, based on the pattern from @craftyiscool and recreated here by @jenjenbestringing

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Jen Jen Be Stringing
That shirt tho...

​This squat version of Joe with extra tassels for added pizzaz! This cute dumpy version was created by @knottyhookerscraft

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Knotty Hookers Craft
Never lose stitch count

Joe Exotic and Carol Baskin stitch markers - how did we ever knit or crochet without them?! Mark your stitches with your fave or most loathed characters from the show. These beauties can be purchased from @fangirlfibers

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Fan Girl Fibers
Piece of cake

​A Tiger King cake! Well why wouldn’t you want a three-tiered cake with tiger-loving Joe on it? However, it’s actually made of toilet paper! Created by albascakestudio

But while we’re talking cake…

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Alba's Cake Studio
Where's the knife...?

An edible cake of Joe’s head, mullet and all. We can think of a certain cat-loving Florida resident who might want to cut this right down the middle…This master piece is by @cakesbydearbhla

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Cakes By Dearbhla
Morning brew

​This mug with Carol’s well-known video intros. Yes we definitely need this mug. You can buy it from @p.s.eyecraft

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
P.S. Eyecraft
Don't cross Carol, okay?

​A cross stitch with Carol’s catchphrase for all you cool cats out there. This one is from LittleStitchTX on Etsy, you can buy it here

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Stitchy Joe

​Or how about a cross-stitched version of the man himself? Your favourite redneck, gun toting, multi-husband having, tiger king is coming to a needlepoint near you from TurnThePaigeDesign on Etsy. You can buy the pattern here

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Turn The Paige Design
Cardmaking upgrade

​Stickers with all your favourite guys, gals and sayings from the show! If you have a friend with a birthday coming up, don’t even think of NOT giving them a Tiger King themed card! You can buy these charming card accessories from PUNCHDRUNKLONDON on Etsy, just click here

Tiger King Crafts: 11 Creations You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life
Punch Drunk London

Meanwhile, stay exotic friends and we’ll leave you to ponder if Carol really did it. ​Keep your eyes on our pages as we add to this creative collection. And make sure you share your roarsome makes with us on Facebook and Instagram

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