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Bonus Knitted Fairy Project

Bonus Knitted Fairy Project

Craft our adorable little fairy by Nicola Valiji, she’s easy to make so you’ll be able to knit her up in no time. If you’d like to make her home too, find the free pattern here.

body and head
Using 3mm needles and Sherbet Fizz cast on ten sts
Row 1: (kfb) in each st to end. 20 sts
Note: change to Bubblegum Sour after Row 11
Rows 2-14: starting with a p row work in st st
Row 15: (k4, [k2tog twice]) twice, k to end. 16 sts
Row 16: p
Change to Sherbet Fizz
Row 17-18: starting with a k row work in st st
Row 19: k6, (kfb) four times, k to end. 20 sts
Note: change to Blackberry Surprise after Row 24
Rows 20-28: starting with a p row work in st st
Row 29: (k2tog) to end. Ten sts
Cast off

Make two
Using 3mm needles and Sherbet Fizz cast on six sts
Rows 1-5: starting with a k row work in st st
Cast off

Using 3mm needles and Bubblegum Sour cast on 28 sts
Rows 1-9: starting with a p row work in st st
Row 10: (k1, k2tog) to last st, k1. 19 sts
Cast off

Make two
Using 3mm needles and Bubblegum Sour cast on ten sts
Rows 1-16: starting with a k row work in st st
Row 17: * k2tog, k1, k2tog, turn, place rem sts on st holder
Note: cont working on these three sts only
Row 18: k *
Cast off
Note: rejoin yarn to rem five sts on holder and rep from * to *
Cast off

to make up
Gather cast-off edge of Body and Head and sew side seam. Stuff, sew gap closed. Thread a length of Sherbert Fizz around neck sts and gather. Sew side seams of Arms then sew to Body, joining hands tog with a few sts. Sew Skirt seam then sew to Body. Thread a length of Cherry Whirl around top of Skirt and tie into a bow. Cut 12 13cm lengths of Blackberry Surprise, place on head and sew into place, make bunches. Sew Wings to Body. Weave in all ends

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