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Issue 114

Issue 114

Pattern Updates

Spooky Wreath

A large portion of this pattern was accidentally missed off – please accept our sincerest apologies. Here is the remainder of the pattern: arm Make two Using 3.25mm needles and Yarn F cast on 11 sts Note: change to Yarn D after Row 20 Rows 1-24: starting with a k row work in st st Row 25: k1, (k2tog) to end. Six sts Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread tail onto tapestry needle and thread through rem sts, fasten off shoe Make two Using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A cast on 21 sts Row 1: p Row 2: k Row 3: p Row 4: k7, k2tog, k3tog, k2tog, k7. 17 sts Row 5: p5, p2tog, p3tog, p2tog, p5. 13 sts Rows 6-7: k Cast off to make up Fold Nose in half and sew row-ends tog. Attach to face, then embroider eyes and mouth. Sew Yarn E around edge of Hat section to make hair. Sew Hat Brim around Head above hair and sew Skirt around Body. Fold Legs in half and seam matching stripes, stuff as you go. Sew to Body and stitch lower seam of Skirt around Legs. Sew row ends of Arms tog matching colours, stuff as you go. Close cast-on edge and sew to Body. Fold Shoes in half, then sew across cast-on edge and up row ends, leaving cast-off edge open. Place on Witch’s feet. Using Yarn G, embroider shoe and belt buckles, then buttons. Weave in all ends bat body Using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A cast on six sts Row 1: p Row 2: (kfb) to end. 12 sts Rows 3-15: starting with a p row work in st st Row 16: (k2tog) to end. Six sts Row 17: p Row 18: (kfb) to end. 12 sts Row 19: p Row 20: (k2, kfb) to end. 16 sts Rows 21-24: starting with a p row work in st st Row 25: (p2tog) to end. Eight sts Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread tail onto tapestry needle and thread through rem sts, fasten off wing Make two Using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A cast on 12 sts Row 1: k Row 2: ssk, k to end. 11 sts Row 3: k to last two sts, k2tog. Ten sts Rows 4-7: rep Rows 2-3 twice. Six sts Row 8: kfb, k to end. Seven sts Row 9: k to last st, kfb. Eight sts Rows 10-13: rep Rows 8-9 twice. 12 sts Row 14: k Cast off ear Make two Using 3.25mm needles and Yarn A cast on three sts Rows 1-2: k Row 3: sl one, k2tog, psso. One st Fasten off to make up Sew centre back seam of Body. Stuff, then gather cast-on edge and secure. Attach Wings either side of Body and sew Ears to Head. Using oddments of yarn, embroider face. Weave in all ends skull Make two Using 3.25mm needles and Yarn B cast on eight sts Row 1: (kfb) to end. 16 sts Row 2: p Row 3: (k1, kfb) to end. 24 sts Row 4: p Row 5: (k2, kfb) to end. 32 sts Rows 6-12: starting with a p row work in st st Row 13: k4, (k2tog) four times, k8, (k2tog) four times, k4. 24 sts Row 14: p Row 15: k3, (k2tog) three times, k6, (k2tog) three times, k3. 18 sts Rows 16-20: starting with a p row work in st st Row 21: (k2tog) to end. Nine sts Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread tail onto tapestry needle and thread through rem sts, fasten off to make up Sew centre back seam. Stuff, then gather cast-on edge and secure. Using Yarn A, embroider mouth and eyes. Weave in all ends wreath cover Using 3.25mm needles and Yarn C cast on 42 sts Starting with a k row work in st st until work meas 103cm Cast off to make up Place Wreath Cover over polystyrene wreath. Pin and sew in place so seam is at back. Weave in all ends. Pin all items on wreath and sew or glue in place using photo as a guide. Attach a ribbon loop at centre top

Candy Girl

For the Legs, Body & Head, it should start with Rows 1-9 as stocking stitch, not Rows 1-10. Here is the corrected pattern: * Using 3.75mm needles and Chestnut Brown cast on 15 sts Rows 1-9: starting with a p (WS) row work in st st * Cut yarn and keep sts on st holder Rep from * to *once, keep sts on needle and knit Legs tog as folls: Change to Sweet Orange Row 10: k15 (leg from needle), k15 (leg from holder). 30 sts Row 11: p Row 12: (k4, kfb) to end. 36 sts Rows 13-21: starting with a p row work in st st Row 22: (k4, k2tog) to end. 30 sts Row 23: p Row 24: (k3, k2tog) to end. 24 sts Rows 25-29: starting with a p row work in st st Change to Chestnut Brown Row 30: k Row 31: p Row 32: (k2, k2tog) to end. 18 sts Row 33: p Row 34 (shape neck): (k1, k2tog) to end. 12 sts Row 35: p Row 36: (kfb) to end. 24 sts Row 37: p Row 38: k4, (kfb) 16 times, k to end. 40 sts Rows 39-47: starting with a p row work in st st Row 48: k10, (k2tog, k2) five times, k to end. 35 sts Rows 49-55: starting with a p row work in st st Row 56: (k3, k2tog) to end. 28 sts Row 57: p Row 58: (k2tog) to end. 14 sts Cut yarn leaving a long tail, thread tail onto tapestry needle and thread through rem sts, fasten off We apologise for this error.

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