For the Party Ring, the row numbering is incorrect. It should be:
Row 1 (RS): k1, (kfb, k2) to last st, k1. 34 sts
Row 2 and every even-numbered row: p
Row 3: k1, (kfb, k3) to last st, k1. 42 sts
Row 5: k1, (kfb, k4) to last st, k1. 50 sts
Row 7: k1, (kfb, k5) to last st, k1. 58 sts.
Change to Plush Pink, leaving long tails
Row 8 and every even-numbered row: p
Row 9: k
Row 11: k1, (k5, k2tog) to last st, k1. 50 sts
Row 13: k1, (k4, k2tog) to last st, k1. 42 sts
Row 15: k1, (k3, k2tog) to last st, k1. 34 sts
Row 17: k1, (k2, k2tog) to last st, k1. 26 sts
Cast off, leaving a long tail
We are very sorry for the error.
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