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Issue 123

Issue 123

Pattern Updates

Clara Croc

​We’re very sorry, but we missed Clara’s tail off the pattern, here it is:

Using 3.75mm needles and Pistachio Green cast on 20 sts

Rows 1-9: starting with a p (WS) row work in st st

Row 10: k2tog, k to last two sts, k2tog. 18 sts

Rows 11-13: starting with a p row work in st st

Row 14: k2tog, k to last two sts, k2tog. 16 sts

Rows 15-17: starting with a p row work in st st

Row 18: k2tog, k to last two sts, k2tog. 14 sts

Row 19: p

Row 20: k2tog, k to last two sts, k2tog. 12 sts

Row 21: p

Row 22: rep Row 20. Ten sts

Row 23: p2tog, p to last two sts, p2tog. Eight sts

Row 24: rep Row 20. Six sts

Row 25: rep Row 23. Four sts

Row 26: (k2tog) to end. Two sts

Row 27: p2tog

Fasten off

To make up, sew seams together and stuff, attach to the back of your crocodile


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