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Issue 35

Issue 35

Pattern Updates

Cosy Socks

Unfortunately we have become aware of several errors in this pattern. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. Turn left heel should read as follows: Row 1: p1, p2tog, p1, turn Row 2: k3, turn Row 3: p2, p2tog, p1, turn Row 4: k4, turn Row 5: p3, p2tog, p1, turn Row 6: k5, turn Row 7: p4, p2tog, p1, turn Row 8: k6, turn Row 9: p5, p2tog, p1, turn Turn right heel Row 7 should read as follows: k4, skpo, k1, turn Instep Start at the right heel and reverse the decreases, eg Row 3: k17, skpo, k20, k2tog, k17 Row 5: should read k16 at the end, not k6 After Row 9 work as folls: Keeping to stripe patt work two more decrease rows as set until 46 sts At the end of the pattern, you should cast off 16 sts, rather then graft the toe. Apologies once again for the errors in this pattern.

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