Floral Cushion
Each flower square needs an additional Round 8 not included on the original text which is as follows:
Rnd 8: 3ch (counts as first tr), 1 tr into each tr to end, working (3tr, 2ch, 3tr) into each corner, sl st into third of 3ch at beg of rnd, fasten off
Apologies for any confusion that occured.
Angel Dress
There are two amendments for Rows 2-3 at the start of this pattern. Please find corrections below. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Using 5mm hook and pink yarn make 70ch
Row 1: 1dc in second ch from hook, 1dc in each ch to end. 69dc
Row 2 (eyelet row): 3ch (counts as 1htr, 1ch), * miss 1ch, 1htr in next ch, 1ch, rep from * to end
Row 3: 1ch (does not count as st), 1dc in first htr, 1dc in each ch & htr to end, working last dc of row in second of 3ch
Crocheted Blanket
In Rnd 1, 'sl sl across next two sts' should read sl st across next two sts'
Apologies for the typo.
Bear Hat
Hi, unfortunately it has come to our attention that the 'front' section for issue 38's bear hat pattern (p41) contains several errors . Please find the corrected instructions below. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.
To make hat front:
Using 3.75mm needles and lilac yarn cast on 34 sts
Rows 1-10: work as for Rows 1-10 of back
Rows 11-28: rep Rows 9-10 of back nine times
Row 29: rep Row 9 of back
Row 30: (p1, k1) five times, p1, k13, (p1, k1) five times
Row 31: (k1, p1) four times, k1, p15, (k1, p1) five times
Row 32: (p1, k1) four times, p1, k17, (p1, k1) four times
Row 33: (k1, p1) three times, k1, p19, (k1, p1) four times
Row 34: (p1, k1) three times, p1, k20, k1, (p1, k1) three times
Row 35: (k1, p1) three times, k1, p20, p1, (k1, p1) three times
Rows 36-52: rep Rows 34-35 eight times, then Row 34 once more
Row 53: p2tog, (k1, p1) twice, k1, p20, p1, (k1, p1) twice, k2tog. 32 sts
Row 54: (k1, p1) three times, k20, (k1, p1) three times
Row 55: k2tog, (p1, k1) twice, p1, p18, (k1, p1) twice, k1, p2tog. 30 sts
Row 56: (p1, k1) three times, p1, k16, k1, (p1, k1) three times
Row 57: p2tog, (k1, p1) three times, p14, (k1, p1) three times, k2tog. 28 sts
Row 58: (k1,p1) four times, k12, (k1, p1) four times
Row 59: k2tog, (p1, k1) to last two sts, p2tog. 26 sts
Row 60: (p1, k1) to end
Row 61: p2tog, (k1, p1) to last two sts, k2tog. 24 sts
Row 62: (k1, p1) to end
Row 63: k2tog, (p1, k1) to last two sts, p2tog. 22 sts
Row 64: (p1, k1) to end
Rows 65: p2tog, (k1, p1) to last two sts, k2tog. 22 sts
Row 66: (k1, p1) to end
Row 67: k2tog, (p1, k1) to last two sts, p2tog. 18 sts
Row 68: (p1, k1) to end
Row 69: p2tog, (k1, p1) to last two sts, k2tog. 16 sts
Cast off
Toy Penguin
3.75mm needles should be used throughout this pattern. Knit one wing side A in green and one in white. Similarly, knit one wing side B in green and one in white.