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Issue 74

Issue 74

Pattern Updates

Freddie the Penguin

Rows 11-22 should read: starting with a k row work in st st Rows 23-26 should read: starting with a k row work in st st Apologies for this mistake.

Doll’s dress

Please replace Row 32 onwards of the front of the dress as follows: Row 32: p Row 33: p3, k15, skpo, k29, k2tog, k15. 64 sts Change to Rich Purple Row 34: p Row 35: p3, k14, skpo, k29, k2tog, k14. 62 sts Row 36 and every even-numbered row: p Row 37: p3, k14, skpo, k27, k2tog, k14. 60 sts Row 39: p3 , k13, skpo, k27, k2tog, k13. 58 sts Row 41 (buttonhole row): p1, yrn, p2tog, k to end Rows 42-44: starting with a p row work in st st, keeping garter st border correct on Row 43 Row 45: p3, k14, cast off next two sts, k24, sl rem sts onto st holder, turn Cont on centre 25 sts only for centre front as folls: Row 46: cast off two sts, p to end. 23 sts Rows 47-48: starting with a k row work in st st Row 49: k1, skpo, k to last three sts, k2tog, k1. 21 sts Rows 50-52: starting with a p row work in st st Work in foll two-row stripe sequence: Present Pink, Rich Purple Rows 53-56: starting with a k row work in st st Change to Present Pink Row 57: rep Row 49. 19 sts Row 58: p Work as given for Rows 58 onwards in pattern Please accept our apologies for these errors.

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