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Issue 80

Issue 80

Pattern Updates


The designer has rewritten the collar pattern to make it easier to follow. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. First Side Using 3mm needles and Teapot Blue cast on 120 sts Row 1 (WS): k60, pm, k60 Rows 2-3: k55, w&t, k to end Change to Macaroon Pink Rows 4-5: k50, w&t, k to end Rows 6-7: k45, w&t, k to end Rows 8-9: k40, w&t, k to end Change to Icing Pink Rows 10-11: k35, w&t, k to end Rows 12-13: k30, w&t, k to end Rows 14-15: k25, w&t, k to end Rows 16-17: k20, w&t, k to end Change to Teapot Blue Rows 18-19: k15, w&t, k to end Rows 20-21: k10, w&t, k to end Rows 22-23: k5, w&t, k to end Row 24 (RS): k across all 120 sts Row 25: k55, w&t Cut yarn, change to Macaroon Pink Row 26: k to end Rows 27-28: k50, w&t, k to end Rows 29-30: k45, w&t, k to end Row 31: k40, w&t Cut yarn, change to Icing Pink Row 32: k to end Rows 33-34: k35, w&t, k to end Rows 35-36: k30, w&t, k to end Rows 37-38: k25, w&t, k to end Row 39: k20, w&t Cut yarn, change to Teapot Blue Row 40: k to end Row 41: p across all 120 sts Rows 42-43: k Cast off

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